

The Global Sales Law Project /Survey

In the coming days more than 5000 people involved in international trade at a variety of levels will receive a letter co-signed by Mr Renaud Sorieul, Secretary of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), and Professor Ingeborg Schwenzer, University of Basel. Several thousand more will be contacted by email, either directly or via mailing lists. Commercial associations are being asked to forward the survey link to their members. The survey is open to all and not limited to those who receive an invitation. Participants are encouraged to pass on the news of the survey as widely as possible. It is expected this survey will provide an accurate picture of the current practice of international trade. It intends to discover the popularity and reception in practice of uniform projects, like the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (1980) (CISG). When parties do make a choice of law to govern their international sales contracts, what law do they choose and why? The surveys also address other issues such as forms of dispute resolution, and standard terms and conditions. The survey will take approximately 5-10 minutes of your time. It is available in all 6 UN languages.Your participation is greatly appreciated. While UNCITRAL and its secretariat are not associated with the Global Sales Law Project, the results of the Global Sales Law online survey will be shared with the UNCITRAL secretariat for independent use. The Global Sales Law Project


  • 20/10/2009 130147 WEKA FIAMO

    je trouve le projet très inté vous encourage

  • 19/10/2009 101029 ERIC JUNIOR

    Je souscris entièrement à la réflexion de Florence et vais plus loin en souhaitant que l'on puisse développer des programmes de recherches dont l'impact direct serait perceptible aussi bien à l'extérieur que dans l'espace ohada ; car n'est-ce pas l'objectif final de tout droit, fut-il d'origine africaine, que d'uniformiser et harmoniser absolument (mondialement) les pratiques et valeurs juridiques retenues comme bienfaitrices?
    Bien à vous,

  • 19/10/2009 080858 FLORENCE ROCH

    Ce projet est une initiative très intéressante, notamment pour des organisations comme la notre, dans un pays comme le Congo où l'information est quelques fois difficile à trouver. Il serait judicieux de publier les résultats obtenus sur le site de l'OHADA et d'en informer les contributeurs et abonnés.

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