

1st African Conference on International Commercial Law / Douala, Cameroon / January 13-14, 2011

We have the honour to announce the 1st African Conference on International Commercial Law taking place on 13th-14th January 2011 at Hotel le Meridien, Douala-Cameroon. The co-organisers of the conference are the University of Buea (Cameroon), and the University of Basel (Switzerland). Among the sponsors are OHADA (Organisation pour l'Harmonisation du Droit des Affaires en Afrique), UNCITRAL (United Nations Commission on International Trade Law), UNIDROIT (International Institute for the Unification of Private Law), the most-respected international organisation dedicated to unification of laws world-wide and UNIDA (The African Association for a Unified System of Business Laws), a long-time supporter of OHADA. Among the honoured participants will be Mr. Renaud Sorieul, Secretary General, UNCITAL, Austria, Mr. Koleka Boutora Takpa, Permanent Secretary of OHADA, Mr. José Angelo Estrella Faria, Secretary General, UNIDROIT, Italy, Prof. Dr. Samuel Kofi Date-Bah, Honourable Justice, Supreme Court of Ghana, Honourable Justice Idris Legbo Kutigi, Former Chief Justice of Nigeria; Mr. Jason Fry, Secretary General, International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce in France, and professors of world-renown from Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Senegal, South Africa, Switzerland, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States, Tanzania, Togo and, of course, Cameroon. Please note that the working languages will be alternatively French and English. Simultaneous translation will be provided. Download the conference programme and registration form For more information, please visit the conference website at or contact Mr. Jean Alain Penda, email:
The conference is sponsored by: Fag Max Geldner Total


  • 08/11/2010 22h23 MAMANÉ DJITTE

    ces genres de rencontres sont d'une importance capitale dans le cadre de l'OHADA,elles permettent de confronter le droit de l'OHADA avec les législations et pratiques d'ailleurs pour voir ce qu'on peut apporter aux autres et ce qu'ils peuvent nous apporter

  • 06/11/2010 20h46 NEMLIN

    bonsoir, la conférence est pour moi d'un grand intérêt puisque je suis comptable de formation et je compte me lancer dans le commerce. Mais j'ai une préoccupation comment avoir connaissance du sujet traité dans son intégralité car je ne pourrai pas y être?

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