

The African Law and Development Conference / OHADA / Harvard African Law Association / U.S.A / April 16th-18th 2010

  • 27/02/2010
  • 5016
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The African Law and Development Conference will be held at Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA, U.S.A the 16th to 18th April 2010. The conference is organized by the Harvard African Law Association. The conference is an inter-disciplinary gathering of judges, legal scholars, economists, representatives of international organizations, and others to discuss the role of law in African development. Mr. Jean Alain Penda will be participating in the discussion panel of the conference. He is expected to share his experience and knowledge on the insights into the nexus between the harmonization of business laws (OHADA) and development in Africa. The panel is expected to greatly assist participants in their efforts to design legal systems that are more conducive and responsive to economic development. In addition to the various Harvard Professors participating in this event, we also expect the attendance of African academics and judges like Professor Muna Ndulo of Cornell Law School and the Chief Justice of Ghana. For any questions or comments about the conference, please email at

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