

Presentation of the European Business Code Project, September 29th 2023, Rome

Friday September 29th 2023, 9:00 - 13:00, Europa experience - David Sassoli, Piazza Venezia 6


The Project aims to adopt at EU level a single Code applicableto all Member States containing an organic regulatory framework on “Business Law”.

The Code aims to be a tool available to all European citizens to make exchanges and therefore mutual trust safer, as the awareness of having the same rules makes the market operators feel safer to venture towards new horizons.


  • 9:00 - 09:20: Registration
  • 09:30 - 10:00: Institutional openings
  • 10:00 - 10:20: Presentation of the CEA project
  • 10:20 - 11:10: Panel 1
  • 11:10 - 11:40: Coffee break
  • 11:40 - 12:30: Panel 2
  • 12:30 - 13:00: Final remarks


Institutional openings

  • ANTONIO BIASI, President A2DC - Association des Amis pour le Droit Continental
  • CARLO CORAZZA, Italian Representative of the European Parliament
  • ANNE-CHARLOTTE GROS, Foundation pour le Droit Continental

Presentation of the CEA project

  • PHILIPPE DUPICHOT, President Association HENRI CAPITANT, Professor Sorbonne School of Law

Panel 1

  • STEFANIA CRAXI, President of Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee of the Italian Senate
  • MATTHIAS LEHMANN, Professor University of Vienne / Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen: Banking and financial law
  • MICHÈLE GRÉGOIRE, Professor Free University of Brussels- Brussels - Corporate and insolvency law
  • ALDO MANCURTI, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Italcosnult

Panel 2

  • SALVATORE DE MEO, President of European Parliament Constitutional Affairs Committee
  • MARIA ELENA BOSCHI, Group Leader Italia Viva at the Chamber of Deputies
  • MAURO BUSSANI, Professor Comparative Law University Trieste and Macao Codification and security law
  • NATHALIE MARTIAL-BRAZ, Professor Université Sorbonne, Abu Dhabi - Ecommerce
  • CHRISTOPH ROTH (TBC), Chief of the Representation of the Sarre Lande to the European Union

Final remarks

  • ALBERTO SARAVALLE, Professor University of Padua
  • NIKLAS UDER, General Secretary of the German Association for the unification of the Business law in Europe
  • VALERIO VALLA, CEO Studio Valla European Consulting

For further information please contact


  • 16/09/2023 170508 HENRI BOSIPA

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