ERSUMA Activities in Senegal - July 2018
- 24/06/2018
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- 1 commentaire
The Higher Regional School of Magistracy (ERSUMA) of the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA), in partnership with the OHADA National Commission (CNO) of Senegal, organizes a series of activities from 09 to 14 July 2018 in Senegal. These activities are the following:
ERSUMA Matinée - Training on the topic: “Execution immunity in the OHADA space”
Trainer: Prof. Mamoudou NIANE, Law Lecturer, Université Gaston Berger of Saint-Louis
Target audience: Lawyers, bailiffs, judges, corporate adviser and anyone interested
Dates and venue: 09 July 2018 at the Judicial Training Centre (CFJ)
Time: from 09 am to 2pm
Cost: 50.000 FCFA
Training on the topic: “Master the new framework on arbitration and mediation in the OHADA space”
- Mr. Ibrahima Khalil DIALLO, Senior Lecturer at Université Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar. Arbitrator at the Arbitration, Mediation and Conciliation Centre of Dakar (CAMC);
- Maître Narcisse AKA, Lawyer. Secretary General of the OHADA's Arbitration Center of the Common Court of Justice and Arbitration;
- Mrs. Bintou BOLI DJIBO, Business adviser, Arbitrator, Mediator, Permanent Secretary of the Arbitration, Mediation and Conciliation Centre of Ouagadougou (CAMCO);
Target audience: Judges, arbitrators, mediators, managers of arbitration and mediation centres, chartered accountants, notaries, lawyers, bailiffs, legal representatives, corporate advisers, managers, scholars, economic operators and anyone interested.
Dates and venue: from 10 to 13 July 2018 (04 days) at the Judicial Training Centre (CFJ)
Cost: 350.000 FCFA
A discount of 10% will be granted to a group with three (03) registrations at least.
ERSUMA Matinée - Research on the topic: “Recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards”
- Prof. Ndiaw DIOUF, Law Lecturer ,Full Professor of Private Law ,Member of the Senegalese Constitutional Council, Honorary Dean of FSJP/UCAD (Moderator);
- Prof. Patrice Samuel Aristide BADJI, Law Lecturer, FSJP/UCAD;
- Prof. Ndèye Coumba Madeleine NDIAYE, Law Lecturer, UCAD;
- Maître Narcisse AKA, Secretary General of CCJA Arbitration Centre;
- M. Mounetaga DIOUF, High Judge, Doctor in Private Law, Executive secretary of the OHADA National Commission of Senegal;
- Maître Cheikh Amadou NDIAYE, Lawyer at the Senegalese Bar.
Synthesis report: Prof. Mamoudou NIANE, Law Lecturer, Université Gaston Berger of Saint-Louis
Date and venue: 14 July 2018 at Faculté des Sciences juridiques et politiques of UCAD
Time: from 09am to 1pm
Free participation (register with CNO)
Fill and send the registration form to ERSUMA
Registration forms for individuals, organization or company are available online on the links below:
Pay training fees
A discount of 10% will be granted to groups with at least three (03) registrations for the Dakar training session.
Students and postgraduates willing to attend the workshop will be given 40% discount on the training cost subject to proving their status by submitting an application to ERSUMA General Director at, with a scanned copy of the registration certificate.
The training costs cover the equipments and teaching materials, coffee breaks, lunch during the training.Travel, accommodation and other restoration expenses shall be borne by the participant.
Registrations can be done at:
- the Higher Regional School of Magistracy;
- OHADA Permanent Secretariat;
- Common Court of Justice and Arbitration;
- OHADA National Commission of Senegal.
Higher Regional School of Magistracy (ERSUMA)
Porto-Novo - Bénin
Ouando, Carrefour Cinquantenaire - Route de Pobè
Tel: +229 20 24 58 04 / 97 97 05 37 / 95 40 31 90
Mail: /
OHADA National Commission of Senegal
Dakar - Senegal
Mr Paul Ndick FAYE
Cité Keur Gorgui, Sacré Cœur
Pyrotechnique Dakar, Lot N°11, 5th Floor
Tel: +221 7 71 15 64 31 / 7 04 77 91 13
OHADA Permanent Secretariat
Yaoundé - Cameroun
Hippodrome face au MINREX
Tel: + 237 2 22 21 09 05 / 6 71 30 20 01
Mail: /
Common Court of Justice and Arbitration (CCJA)
Abidjan - Côte d'Ivoire
Plateau, Avenue Dr JAMOT, Angle Boulevard CARDE
Tel: +225 07 44 41 95 / 07 91 24 70
Mail: /
Download online the 2018 training catalog with the link below:
“ERSUMA, for an effective and efficient rule of law”
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The Permanent Secretary,
Prof. Dorothé C. SOSSA
30/09/2021 21h02 VANDEN BOSSCHE
Bonsoir. Combien il y a d'élèves dans votre école à St. Louis ???????????
J'attends de vous lire. MERCI et bonne fin de soirée.