

Seminar about the OHADA Accounting System - September 15-16, 2005- BUEA University (Anglophone CAMEROON)

  • 19/07/2005
  • 8194
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In view of increasing knowledge nationwide, regionally, and internationally as well as to enhance quality practice of the new OHADA Business Law in Cameroon, the University of Buea has planned a seminar on the "Implementation of the OHADA Accounting System: Practice, Problems and prospects" scheduled to take place on September15-16, 2005. This seminar will enable attendants to understand the provisions of the Uniform Act on Accounting Law; to ensure the reliability and clarity of financial information both within the company itself and as supplied to the public; to provide practical training; Appraise the attempt to harmonise Business Law in Africa; Determine whether the provisions of the Uniform Act address the legal problems encountered with the previous legislation; Determine whether there is futher need for reform, and the way foward. The target group comprises Business enterprises, Companies, the Business Community, Accountants, Legal Practitioners, Members of the Judiciary, Lecturers, Students... The University of Buea has received from the French Cooperation and the African Assaociation for a Unified System of Business Law (UNIDA) presided by M. Keba MBAYE, some assistance in funding its organisation. For any further information or to register for the seminar, please contact Mr. Jean Alain PENDA, tel: +237 778 58 10; e-mail:

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