

Solemn declaration of Judges at CCJA

Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire), June 28, 2018

photo2Elected by OHADA Council of Ministers at its November, 2017 session in Conakry, Guinea, Judges BERTE Mamadou of Mali, HOHOUETO Afiwa-Kindéna of Togo, NGO MOUTNGUI Esther marries IKOUE of Cameroon, DEMBA Claude Armand of Congo and MINIME Arsène Jean Bruno of Central African Republic made their solemn declaration, pursuant to Article 3 of CCJA Rules of Procedure, on June 28, 2018 before a host of personalities.

After reading the resumes of the judges by the Chief Clerk, the Court received their solemn declaration. Each judge came forward in the courtroom and pronounced the following sacramental phrase: “I solemnly declare that I will exercise my functions as judge in all honor and impartiality and that I will scrupulously observe the secrecy of the proceedings”.

The Court took note of their solemn declaration and sent them back to the exercise of their functions. These judges complement the membership of the 13-member Court.

The new judges replace judges DALMEIDA MELE Flora, outgoing President, SEREKOISSE-SAMBA Marcel, TOURE Abdoulaye Issoufi, DIAS GOMES Namuano and OBIANG ABOGO Victoriano, who have come to the end of their seven (07) year term.

The following day, at an elective plenary assembly, the Court renewed its office, which is now composed as follows:

  • President, Mr. ONDO MVE Cesar Apollinaire (GABON);
  • First Vice-President, Mr. DEME Mamadou (SENEGAL);
  • Second Vice-President, Mr. N'DONINGAR Djimasna (CHAD).

The Court subsequently celebrated its outgoing judges. A farewell ceremony was held in their honor. They received gifts offered by all the staff.

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The Permanent Secretary,
Prof. Dorothé C. SOSSA.


  • 23/07/2018 12h44 DJAFAR

    Nous félicitons les hauts magistrats nouvellement installés dans leurs fonctions. Nous leur souhaitons aussi beaucoup de succès.
    Tous nos remerciement aux juges sortants!

  • 23/07/2018 11h14 KOUADIO AMENAN

    Félicitations aux nouveaux juges, et nouveaux bureau le plus dur reste a venir!!

  • 21/07/2018 18h06 MARINETTE YAPO

    Félicitations à eux.

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