


Compurtized RCCM: Effective take-off of activities

Operationalization of the new software and training of users

photo14The computerization process of the trade and securities register (RCCM) in the OHADA Member States enters its final phase: that of the effective deployment and operation of the software solution for the management of national files and local RCCM registers. This software solution was developed, thanks to funding of the World Bank Group, by GEOIMAGE, a firm selected following an international bid.

In the last decade of the month of April 2017, the software solution for the computerized management of national files and local RCCM registers was deployed in Togo and Côte d'Ivoire, where the facilities were already available.

photo15Symbolically, Prof Dorothé C. SOSSA, Permanent Secretary of OHADA, officially handed over this software to H.E. Pius AGBETOMEY, Minister of Justice and Relations with the Instititions of the Republic, during a solemn ceremony in Lomé (Togo) on Friday, may 05, 2017. The deployment will soon continue in other Member States as the required equipments are purchased. OHADA is strongly involved in this operation with the support of its partners.

Meanwhile, a major training session for software users opened this morning at the ERSUMA headquarters in Porto-Novo (Benin), under the chairmanship of the Permanent Secretary of OHADA, Prof. Dorothé C. SOSSA, in the presence of the Director General of ERSUMA, Prof. Mayatta Ndiaye MBAYE. This training that comes after the one previously received by the administrators of the RCCM system is financed by the World Bank Group and will allow trainers to explain all the functionalities of the software to delegates from the seventeen Member States of OHADA. Participants include: Judges dealing with RCCM in commercial courts or other courts having jurisdiction in commercial matters, Registrars in charge of RCCM in courts and in business formality centers, computer staff of the Ministries of Justice. For five days, they will familiarize with the various functionalities of the system, under the supervision of the Canadian firm GEOIMAGE, which developed the solution.

photo16It should be recalled that the architecture of the OHADA-RCCM is pyramidal: it starts at the bottom level with local registers in each Member States that are kept in the registry of the competent court or by the competent body designated by the Member State; In each State, the information in various registers is centralized in a national register. At the top of the pyramid is the regional file, kept at the level of CCJA that centralizes data recorded in national files.

The ultimate objective in the short term is to transform the functioning of RCCM in the OHADA space through a complete computerization that facilitates legal formalities; to keep and make available, in real time and in electronic form, information that is reliable and updated on all actors in the economic sectors, on companies, and securities. It is therefore a decisive step forward in the improvement of the business environment within the OHADA space.

The Permanent Secretary thanked all Member states for their participation in this important achievement, which will contribute decisively to business development in the OHADA area.

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  • 13/05/2017 10h30 PAULIN DJAMNOU

    Louable, appréciable, un pas de géants. mais une seule préoccupation: la société GEOIMAGE a intégré combien d'informaticiens africains dans le compostage de ce logiciel? puisqu'àprès, son déveleppement, son déploiement deviendra sauf choisir de rester sous "contrôle" des canadiens une appanage de l'OHADA indépendante

  • 12/05/2017 21h13 CHRISTLOVE MOUKOUARI

    Très original pour l'Afrique de nous savoir munir de notre propre droit qui régit le droit des affaires dans tous les États partis .La mise en oeuvre de cet acte n'est pas seulement venu réglementer les conditions de fonds et de formes émis par le présent acte mais plutôt celui-ci est d'abord a reconnaitre l'effort d'un droit reflechis pour les tenants de cette innovation

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